Subway Validation Results for Chile

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City Subway Lines Light Rail Lines Stations Interchanges Unused Entrances
Santiago Y J M sub: 7 / 7 lr: 1 / 1 st: 153 / 153 int: 19 / 19 ent: 3
⚠️ Warnings
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 444976, "Línea 6: Cerrillos → Los Leones")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 9633217, "Línea 3: Fernando Castillo Velasco → Plaza Quilicura")
Route has no stops (relation 15809438, "Línea 9 (proyectada)")
ℹ️ Notices
6 unused stations: n4214749442, n4214749443, n573732528, n575514909, n6003266713, n835432276
3 subway entrances are not connected to a station: n10822802794, n10947643086, n3043620835
7 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n10820638380, n10822802794, n10947643086, n11350194484, n11350194485, n11350279623, n3043620835